বিসিএস ভাইভা: বিসিএস পররাষ্ট্র ক্যাডারের কমন প্রশ্নোত্তর

এম এম মুজাহিদ উদ্দীন
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চলছে ৪৪তম বিসিএস ভাইভা। ভাইভাতে ভালো করার জন্য গুছিয়ে প্রস্তুতির বিকল্প নেই। এ জন্য বিগত সময়ে ক্যাডারে উত্তীর্ণদের ভাইভা অভিজ্ঞতা বেশি বেশি পড়তে হবে। শতাধিক বিসিএস ক্যাডারের ভাইভা অভিজ্ঞতা বিশ্লেষণ করে পররাষ্ট্র ক্যাডারের কমন কিছু প্রশ্নোত্তর নিয়ে লিখেছেন এম এম মুজাহিদ উদ্দীন।১। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: Represent your country to a foreigner to attract him to invest here.
উত্তর: Thank you sir. First I would like to describe the whole demographic situation of our country which indicates that we have an enormous young age productive population ready to serve at a lower cost compared to many other possible destinations. Our government is highly enthusiastic about foreign investment and is establishing 100 special economic zones throughout the country. We have been maintaining an over 6 GDP growth rate for the last decade or so, which means the country is at the passage of its development process. We have a land full of fertility and a magnificent geographical position with seaports and massive construction works like Padma Bridge, Nuclear power plant, Metrorail and elevated expressways are ongoing. So in a nutshell the govt. is doing everything in its control to boost the economy and Bangladesh is one of the highly potential lands for investment right now.

২। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: বাংলাদেশে কেন বিদেশিরা বিনিয়োগ করবে?
উত্তর: Bangladesh is a beautiful country. Bangladesh now is a role model of development. Here some benefits are available for foreigners like:
-cheap labor, huge supply of a hernative labor
-Prime minister’s endeavor to change the economic condition of Bangladesh.
-Hundred economic zones
-One stop service for foreign investment.
-Earned profit can be sent to mother country by investors.

৩। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What will be the name of your initial post if you posted in a diplomatic mission?
উত্তর: Third Secretary.

৪। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: If any foreigner wants to know your country by reading a book, which book would you suggest?
উত্তর: Sir, I will suggest the book named ‘The Rape of Bangladesh’. This book is written by Anthony Mascarenhas.

৫। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What is Excellency?
উত্তর: An archaic but still much-used title for addressing an ambassador.

৬। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: পররাষ্ট্র ক্যাডারের পদসোপান বলো।
উত্তর: Assistant Secretary-Senior Assistant Secretary-Director-Director General-Additional Foreign Secretary–Froreign Secretary.

দূতাবাসে পদসোপান হয় Third Secretary-Second secretary-First Secretary- Counselor-Minister/Deputy High Commissionr/Consul General-Ambassador/High Commissioner.

৭। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: Tell me the hierarchy of BCS Foreign Affairs in Embassay.
উত্তর: Third Secretary, Second Secretary, First Secretary, Consular, Deputy Ambassador /Minister, Ambassador.

৮। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: How many types a Bangladeshi diplomat can be appointed?
A Bangladeshi diplomat can be appointed in five types, Embassy, High Commission, Deputy High Commission,Consulate General and Assistant High Commission.

৯। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: বাংলাদেশের পররাষ্ট্রনীতির মূলনীতি কী?
‘Friends to all, malice to none’ সবার সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব, কারও সঙ্গে শত্রুতা নয়।

১০। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What is our Foreign Policy and where is it cited?
উত্তর: Our Foreign Policy emanates from the article 25 of Constitution of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. According to the statement of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, father of the nation, our foreign policy is ‘Friendship to all, malice towards none’.

১১। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What is the difference between high commissioner and ambassador?
উত্তর: A high commissioner is the head of the diplomatic mission of a Commonwealth country in another Commonwealth country whereas the head of a diplomatic mission is called an Ambassador when at least one of the countries is not a Commonwealth one.

১২। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What do you mean by Ambassador at Large? Where is his workstation?
When an Ambassador posted temporary on a special mission for a special purpose by the order of honorable Prime Minister is known as Ambassador at Large. There is no fixed workstation of them for performing the activities.

১৩। ভাইভা প্রশ্ন: What is the role of Embassy?
A key purpose of an embassy is to assist citizens of its home country living, working, or traveling overseas. Embassies and their branches (called ‘consulates’) are necessary for both routine administration and emergency situations.They can help citizens of the foreign country with traveling to, or become citizens of the country the embassy represents. As part of their diplomatic mission, embassies also collaborate with local governments, businesses, and other organizations to build and maintain political, commercial and cultural relationships.

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