এম এম মুজাহিদ উদ্দীন
অনুমতি নিয়ে কক্ষে ঢুকে সালাম দিলাম। স্যার বসতে বললেন এবং সঙ্গে সঙ্গে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন—
Chairman: What are you doing now?
Me: Sir, at present I am an instructor of Fisheries Training Institute at Chandpur.
Chairman: Do you know about Russia-Ukraine crisis?
Me: Yes sir, I know about Russia-Ukraine crisis.
Chairman: How can you relate Iraq Invasion with Russia-Ukraine crisis?
Me: In 2003, during the Iraq invasion the USA was directly involved. On the other hand, in Russia- Ukraine crisis, the USA is indirectly involved in this war. It’s a proxy war between Russia and NATO. Iraq Invasion finally finished but Russia-Ukraine crisis has not finished yet. Here Ukraine is working like a buffer state between Russia and NATO.
Chairman: What do you think about Russia-Ukraine war result?
Me: Sir, I think Russia-Ukraine war result is unpredictable. It will go for a long time. It will increase our sufferings in future. The final result also depends on USA, NATO and China.
Chairman: What are the achievements of the Prime Minister tour?
Me: Sir, few days ago our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited three countries. She started tour from Japan in 25th April 2023. Here our honorable PM signed one agreement and seven memorandum of co-operation. After Japan visit, our PM joined Bangladesh World Bank 50 year’s partnership program. Here Bangladesh and World Bank signed 2.25 Billion dollar loan agreement.
Chairman: Do you know about the Rohingya repatriation?
Me: Sir, I know about Rohingya repatriation. In 2017, 23th November first repatriation initiative was taken. But unfortunately it was not successful. Recently with the mediation of China the repatriation process will start very soon. Some days ago Myanmar’s representative came Bangladesh to talk to Rohingya representatives about the repatriation process. Rohingya people also visited model village in Rakhaine state which are established by Myanmar Government for their shelter. But Rohingya people did not like the model village project.
Chairman: Do you believe in Myanmar?
Me: No Sir, I do not believe in Myanmar. I think they are doing a drama of repatriation because they have to submit a Rohingya report on ICJ. That’s why they are doing the drama of repatriation.
Chairman: What awards were given to Japanese citizens for the contribution in Liberation War?
Me: Friends of Liberation War Honor.
Chairman: How many people have been awarded this award?
Me: Four Japanese have been awarded.
1st External: What is Foreign policy?
Me: Foreign policy is a set of goals about how a country will represent itself in the international arena harnessing its national interest.
1st External: What is diplomacy?
Me: Diplomacy is the art or tool to implement foreign policy.
1st External: What do you mean by Persona Non-grata?
Me: A Persona Non-grata means a person who is not welcome or not acceptable in foreign country. According to the Vienna Convention 1961, a country can declare a diplomat as Persona Non-grata in its country without any reason.
1st External: What are diplomatic Immunities and privilege?
Me: Special rights given to a diplomat working in a foreign county. According to the Vienna Convention 1961 some diplomatic immunities and privilege are:
-A diplomat cannot be arrested
-A diplomat is free from tax
-A diplomat is free from custom duties
-Immunity from civil and prosecution
-The receiving state must ensure the safety diplomat on his family.
1st External: What is the economic importance of Panama Canal?
Me: The main economic importance of the Panama Canal which reduces the time and cost of international trade. It joins the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
1st External: If we appoint as an ambassador of Saudi Arabia, how will you improve the relationship between the two countries?
Me: Sir, I will improve the relationship between the two countries by exporting skilled man power in Saudi Arabia. I also work on foreign direct investment between two countries.
1st External: How can you build up a good relationship with OIC countries as an ambassador?
Me: According to our constitutions Article-2. A represents that our state religion is Islam and OIC is a Islamic countries group. From that point of religious brotherhood, I will build up a good relation with OIC countries.
1st External: What is your first priority in working abroad?
Me: Sir, last seven years 297 expatriates women committed to suicide due to torture and oppression. That’s why I want to work on women expatriate worker so that they will not the victims of any kinds of torture in abroad.
2nd External: Why foreign affairs is yours first choice?
Me: Sir, there is a small story behind this. My father worked as an expatriate workers in Kuwait all most 25 years (at present my father is a farmer). On that time, he faced some problems with his job, salary and passport related issues. Several times embassy helped my father; he often told me all these stories and co-operative activities of the embassy. All these stories increased my interest about Foreign Service. As well as, I want to work for the expatriate workers, that’s why Foreign Affairs is my first choice.
2nd External: Did you hear about Chanakya Diplomacy?
Me: (Not answered) Sorry sir, I cannot remember at this moment.
থামিয়ে দিয়ে ব্যক্তিগত কিছু প্রশ্ন করেছিলেন, সেগুলোর উত্তর দিয়ে সালামের পর চলে এলাম।
অনুমতি নিয়ে কক্ষে ঢুকে সালাম দিলাম। স্যার বসতে বললেন এবং সঙ্গে সঙ্গে জিজ্ঞেস করলেন—
Chairman: What are you doing now?
Me: Sir, at present I am an instructor of Fisheries Training Institute at Chandpur.
Chairman: Do you know about Russia-Ukraine crisis?
Me: Yes sir, I know about Russia-Ukraine crisis.
Chairman: How can you relate Iraq Invasion with Russia-Ukraine crisis?
Me: In 2003, during the Iraq invasion the USA was directly involved. On the other hand, in Russia- Ukraine crisis, the USA is indirectly involved in this war. It’s a proxy war between Russia and NATO. Iraq Invasion finally finished but Russia-Ukraine crisis has not finished yet. Here Ukraine is working like a buffer state between Russia and NATO.
Chairman: What do you think about Russia-Ukraine war result?
Me: Sir, I think Russia-Ukraine war result is unpredictable. It will go for a long time. It will increase our sufferings in future. The final result also depends on USA, NATO and China.
Chairman: What are the achievements of the Prime Minister tour?
Me: Sir, few days ago our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited three countries. She started tour from Japan in 25th April 2023. Here our honorable PM signed one agreement and seven memorandum of co-operation. After Japan visit, our PM joined Bangladesh World Bank 50 year’s partnership program. Here Bangladesh and World Bank signed 2.25 Billion dollar loan agreement.
Chairman: Do you know about the Rohingya repatriation?
Me: Sir, I know about Rohingya repatriation. In 2017, 23th November first repatriation initiative was taken. But unfortunately it was not successful. Recently with the mediation of China the repatriation process will start very soon. Some days ago Myanmar’s representative came Bangladesh to talk to Rohingya representatives about the repatriation process. Rohingya people also visited model village in Rakhaine state which are established by Myanmar Government for their shelter. But Rohingya people did not like the model village project.
Chairman: Do you believe in Myanmar?
Me: No Sir, I do not believe in Myanmar. I think they are doing a drama of repatriation because they have to submit a Rohingya report on ICJ. That’s why they are doing the drama of repatriation.
Chairman: What awards were given to Japanese citizens for the contribution in Liberation War?
Me: Friends of Liberation War Honor.
Chairman: How many people have been awarded this award?
Me: Four Japanese have been awarded.
1st External: What is Foreign policy?
Me: Foreign policy is a set of goals about how a country will represent itself in the international arena harnessing its national interest.
1st External: What is diplomacy?
Me: Diplomacy is the art or tool to implement foreign policy.
1st External: What do you mean by Persona Non-grata?
Me: A Persona Non-grata means a person who is not welcome or not acceptable in foreign country. According to the Vienna Convention 1961, a country can declare a diplomat as Persona Non-grata in its country without any reason.
1st External: What are diplomatic Immunities and privilege?
Me: Special rights given to a diplomat working in a foreign county. According to the Vienna Convention 1961 some diplomatic immunities and privilege are:
-A diplomat cannot be arrested
-A diplomat is free from tax
-A diplomat is free from custom duties
-Immunity from civil and prosecution
-The receiving state must ensure the safety diplomat on his family.
1st External: What is the economic importance of Panama Canal?
Me: The main economic importance of the Panama Canal which reduces the time and cost of international trade. It joins the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
1st External: If we appoint as an ambassador of Saudi Arabia, how will you improve the relationship between the two countries?
Me: Sir, I will improve the relationship between the two countries by exporting skilled man power in Saudi Arabia. I also work on foreign direct investment between two countries.
1st External: How can you build up a good relationship with OIC countries as an ambassador?
Me: According to our constitutions Article-2. A represents that our state religion is Islam and OIC is a Islamic countries group. From that point of religious brotherhood, I will build up a good relation with OIC countries.
1st External: What is your first priority in working abroad?
Me: Sir, last seven years 297 expatriates women committed to suicide due to torture and oppression. That’s why I want to work on women expatriate worker so that they will not the victims of any kinds of torture in abroad.
2nd External: Why foreign affairs is yours first choice?
Me: Sir, there is a small story behind this. My father worked as an expatriate workers in Kuwait all most 25 years (at present my father is a farmer). On that time, he faced some problems with his job, salary and passport related issues. Several times embassy helped my father; he often told me all these stories and co-operative activities of the embassy. All these stories increased my interest about Foreign Service. As well as, I want to work for the expatriate workers, that’s why Foreign Affairs is my first choice.
2nd External: Did you hear about Chanakya Diplomacy?
Me: (Not answered) Sorry sir, I cannot remember at this moment.
থামিয়ে দিয়ে ব্যক্তিগত কিছু প্রশ্ন করেছিলেন, সেগুলোর উত্তর দিয়ে সালামের পর চলে এলাম।
বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান মেরিটাইম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে জনবল নিয়োগের বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। ১৩ জানুয়ারি এ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশিত হয়। এ নিয়োগে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়টির ১০ ধরনের শূন্য পদে লোকবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা ডাকযোগে আবেদন করতে পারবেন।
১৭ ঘণ্টা আগেজনবল নিয়োগের বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ করেছে জাতীয় বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি জাদুঘর। প্রতিষ্ঠানটির দুটি শূন্য পদে একাধিক লোকবল নিয়োগ দেওয়া হবে। আগ্রহী প্রার্থীরা ডাকযোগে আবেদনপত্র পাঠাতে পারবেন।
১৯ ঘণ্টা আগেঅর্থ মন্ত্রণালয়ের আর্থিক প্রতিষ্ঠান বিভাগের আওতাধীন রাষ্ট্রীয় প্রতিষ্ঠান সাধারণ বীমা করপোরেশনের চারটি পদে সরাসরি নিয়োগের জন্য প্রাথমিকভাবে নির্বাচিত প্রার্থীদের তালিকা প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। পদ অনুযায়ী এসব প্রার্থীর তালিকা প্রতিষ্ঠানটির অফিশিয়াল বিজ্ঞপ্তিতে উল্লেখ রয়েছে। করপোরেশনের জেনারেল ম্যানেজার...
১৯ ঘণ্টা আগেবাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্টের হাইকোর্ট বিভাগে সুইপার (পরিচ্ছন্নতাকর্মী) পদের মৌখিক পরীক্ষার সময়সূচি প্রকাশিত হবে। ২১ জানুয়ারি থেকে এ পরীক্ষা শুরু হবে, চলবে ২৭ জানুয়ারি পর্যন্ত। প্রতিদিন সকাল ১০টা থেকে বাংলাদেশ সুপ্রিম কোর্টের অডিটরিয়ামে এ পরীক্ষা শুরু হবে।
১৯ ঘণ্টা আগে